My name is Steven with PromSpecialists.com and some of the most popular and seemingly most successful after prom themes have been events such as :
Casino / Las Vegas Night: Bring A Casino Company or Utilize Underclassmen To Run The Casino Games and Bring In A DJ/ Local Band To Play Dance/ Background Music. It is always important to have a bit of a break from dancing and the games so you can bring in a comic or grand illusionist to entertain for about an hour. Everyone could come dressed as if they were going to hit the town and try their luck at any number of games trying to win that grand prize. A nice touch that makes this theme particularly nice is customized poker chips which turn out to be a great take home.
Beach Party / Luau: Bring in authentic dancers, maybe a fire show, steal drummer, live band, dj. This give you the opportunity to ditch the tux and gowned for your beach wear. (Low Key)
Mardigras: Stilt Walkers, Jugglers, Mimes, Magicians, DJ (more then a band just because of the feel of this event usually plays better toward a djs talent), contortionist, fire breather, freak show. Imagine entering a world of wonder and imagination where all are dressed to the 9s. You can grab a mask and go enjoy a world of dreams.
More General Themes:
Movie/ Broadway Themes: Impersonators, Music From The Respective Show, (the classics: Walk Around Magic, DJ, Comic). These are fun because you can pick a brand new movie that everyone loves or a classic that everyone knows, either way people can choose a character or just to look as if they could have been in the movie. One of the most popular movies chosen has been Greece. I did a resent school dance with the Miami Vise theme that was different and fun.
Period themed: Bands, DJs, Impersonators, Dancers, Comics, Magicians. Transform your location into a time that isn`t now which doesn`t even have to be the past. Everyone can dress in period style clothing dance to both music from the past (oldies but goodies) and present (today`s hottest hits).
If you have any questions about planning your after prom, themes, or the entertainment you might need please feel free to call me (Steven) at 914 - 548 - 2048 or email me at info@MagicalMemoriesEntertainment.com.
For All You Prom and After Prom Entertainment Visit Us At: www.PromSpecialists.com
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