13 Yearold Birthdat Party

I really need help!!!!! i`m about to turn 13 but i dont know what to do for my birthday!! i dont want a sleepover!! i had that last year. But i want something interesting and fun at the same time. Please help me because my mom is kind of old school so she likes to do old things PLEASE HELP!!! email me at reavis100@volleyball.com THANKYOU,amanda
Posted by Amanda; updated 02/28/06


Last year for my golden birthday i had a party @ my church (sounds wierd right) but it was so fun! it was a dance party! my sister hooked her iPod up to two amps (that we owned) and we had it in a huge hall in my church. We are members so it was free. The church let us use their tables, chairs, and tent that we put the DJ (my sister and her friend) table under. We had a long table w/ snacks (chicken cabobs, cheescake squares, chips and salsa, from SAMS club) and there were about 30 kids there. We had about 8 round tables with about 6 chairs @ each( and a flower arrangement that we made out of brightly colored flowers from schnucks) out for kids to sit and eat their snacks. On another table, we had two buckets w/ ice and sodas and we also had punch in a punch bowl. O yeah.....on the DJ table there were disco balls and stoplights that we already owned. Also, we made little request lists so that kids could request their favorite song. It was a blast.

The total cost was around $150 for food, drinks, paper plates, flowers, candle holders and candles.

If you have any questions email me lrsgoose@charter.net

I`m having my 13th party this year and I need some ideas. My maximum price for stuff is probably around $200. Any ideas?
Posted by lucy; updated 04/27/06


O yeah....for the vases and candles and candle holders go to the dollar store. It really saves money if money is an issue. And i reccomend Sams Club for food and cake.
Posted by lucy; updated 04/27/06