***BLOW-OUT***New Dance Team!!!

We been knowing each other for over a year we all go to the same dance studio. But we started our kru like 4 months ago, we haven`t perform anywhere....our firts performance is going to be in MArch 10th, Longhorn ballroom... We are not "cadets" just dancer that want to show ya what real choreograph performence is about!!! ......we dont want to compete against any kru.....ya do a good show,....but wut ya r gonna see is "ABNORMAL"...we don`t want no haters.....so to keep it cool....we could show ya some moves for ya`s kru....
Posted by ABNORMAL KRU; updated 02/28/06


Hey wutz up well i just wanted to show some love. We will go and see ya`ll and see wutz up our crew is like ya`lls too. Check out our website maybe you will like something we have to offer. Aight then take care. Sincerly d-town hypnotics
Posted by jose; updated 02/28/06


OK...jose...we r not grulz.....we r guyz....wut studio do ya go???
Posted by Abnormal; updated 03/01/06


Coo coo.. Well we don`t have a studio, we have a recreation center. I mean it isnt much but we have enough room to practice.say so how many of y`all is there????
Posted by jose; updated 03/01/06


We r 8 guyz....wutz ur website????????
Posted by Abnormal; updated 03/01/06


Itz www.dtownhypnotics.moonfruit.com
It`z under construction right now though.
Hey so who`s your manager?
Is it a guy and gurl team or just guys?
Cuz i think we are gonna break up
And we need some new pepz
Hey why y`all making it the 10th? isn`t that when them other nigga`s are having it, that would pressure people into not going... Hit me up though and tell me what you think so far on the website.... Hey and ummm....here is my yahoo screen name jose_mendoza85 hit me up. Duece
Posted by jose; updated 03/01/06


We r not doing da blowout....LaCasa 106.7 is....PLay-n-skill, loney toons, and other artis r gonna b thurr...we don`t have or need a manager...
Posted by abnormal; updated 03/02/06


Posted by cilla; updated 03/03/06


Hey i`m looking for some good dancer for my daughter sweet 15 so please contact me at my email ladycraz69@msn.com.
Posted by Jeanette; updated 05/28/06


Hey whats up abnormal kru well first of all i gots to give you props im sure you guys be rocking the dance floors i would like you to contact me I dont have a kru but I would like to be in one and I woul like you one of you to teach the girls some moves for our surprise dance for my sisters 15...thanxs
Posted by Elizabeth; updated 06/05/06