Hollywood Theme Ideas?

Ok i go to a private school and we are really limited on money and decorations!!... We just had a valentines day dance 2 weekeneds ago and it turned out to be really good....but the thing is now we have to do prom...i am only a freshman, but i am in ASB and u are required to go....the good thing is that our school isn`t big at all...but the bad thing is we are limited.. Last week was when we really started to plan for prom and seeing how there is only 2 guys in out class that are seniors, and they are probably like the craziest, they were going to do a jungle theme?.... I don`t know what they were thinking, and since half of our class is girls we had to talk some sence into them.....so today we thought of an old hollywood theme, where everyone would have to do something to resemble an old hollywood star.......but the thing is we don`t know what else to do???????? if any one could please help us that would b fantastic!!!!!! rember i do go to a private school and our scool is nothing like any public school, and we have very little money to spend, and having it in our gym, would just b out of the question!!!!
Posted by brittany; updated 02/27/06