Do I really have to have a theme for the party?
My daughter is getting stressed about her party, she has no court of honor but does have a minnie me
Couple. What can I do to calm her down?
Posted by Melissa; updated 11/18/02
Advise your daughter that she should not worry. Explain the meaning of a Quincenera to her. Many times, it is difficult to get a court together. The main idea of a quincenera is to present her as a young lady (adult) to your family and friends. This is the time in a young ladies life when she should know that she is no longer being considered a child, but an young adult. The court is only representing the years in her life, 14 girls and 14 boys, she and her escort represents her 15th year. If she can`t get her court together, then just consider this her coming out party.
Posted by Yolanda; updated 11/18/02
Well first of all she dosent have to have dammas y chambelanes she could have 5 guys or 6 or 7 wat ever you want or she can have all girls so just wanted to let you know cuz finding all my guys and girls was hard i had 6 girls and 6 guys.
Posted by Elizabeth; updated 09/14/04