Candle Lighting W/O Candles
We are not allowed to light candles at our venue. Does anyone have a suggestion for what to "light?" as we call each of the guests/groups to light the candles?
Posted by Aud; updated 02/15/06
I am sure you could find someone to make something electric for you
Posted by pam; updated 02/15/06
Enjoy the beauty of candlelight without the flame, soot and messy dripping wax. The Cool Flame™ Candle is made of real wax and flickers just like a real candle, but it`s battery-operated!
Unlike real candles, the Cool Flame™ Candle never burns down, melts away or needs replacing. Use for centerpieces and on mantles. Keep on hand for sudden power outages.
Posted by Suzanne; updated 02/18/06
I saw this done at a Bat Mitzvah in Chicqago and I am doing it for my daughter`s and we could have done candles. Have a photo of your child as a baby blown up (at least 16 x 20) then have a recent photo made into the same size. The recent one gets cut up into puzzle pieces and then is mounted on top of the baby picture. Each honoree places a piece of the puzzle. My photographer is doing the set up for me.
Posted by Marcia; updated 03/10/06
You might want to do a Cup of Life Ceremony -
14 small cups of wine (use grape juice) are poured into a larger oversized cup. It works on the same principle as a candlelighting. Each person or group ic alled up one at a time.
The 14th is for the Bnai Mitzvah child. Each cup can be given a characteistic if you wish - health, virtue, compassion, devotion, integrity, generosity, faith, friendship, dedication, loyalty, love, happiness, sincerity, responsibility.
When all 14 cups are poured into the larger one, the child drinks from the cup.
Posted by redwinemom; updated 03/15/06