Hey everybody......well my quinceaner is gonna be in 3months(in May) and well i`m really shy and i`m not as talkative as a lot of girls are, and well i wanna make my quinceanera as memorable as possible--so i wanna have the Full Court...but i don`t know how to ask guys to be mis caballeros because i don`t have a lot of guy cousins(just 1) and my bro is like 22, so that doesn`t xactly work out...i mean i have like a couple of guys in mind i just don`t know how to ask them. ANd i still don`t have a chambelan =( if anyone can PLEASE help me out and give some advice, i would REALLY APPRECIATE IT!! THanx and God Bless!
Posted by Karen G.; updated 02/09/06
Hi Karen,
Maybe you can send cards requesting the guys to take part in your Quinceanera. I know what it`s like to be shy. Putting things on paper helped me come out of my shell. Include your email address and IM address, and phone number in the invitation for their replies. State in you invitation that it would be an honour to have them participate in your big day. God Bless You!
Posted by Gerri; updated 02/11/06
Why don`t u look for a cadet group, like profesionals, to dance for you at your party. They usually do valses and bailes sorpresas and make the party a lot of fun
Posted by Joce; updated 02/13/06