Quinceanera Vals
Ok well i am helping choregraph my friends quinceanera and i was wondering if anyone knew of any vals or waltzs to use i know of the vals de mariposa and i recently was in one where the did los rios de babylon or the rivers of babylon but i can`t think of any other ones i would really appreciate the help if you can list some other ones thanks in advance email me if you have suggestions at
Posted by erica; updated 11/11/02
Tiempos de vals by Cheyenne, and Vals de Adelina are some very good vals ballads for a quinceanera. Hope this helps.
Posted by Jessica; updated 01/17/03
Who sings Vals de Mariposa, la ultima Muneca, and la nina bonita
Posted by erika; updated 02/09/03
Who sings Vals de Mariposa, la ultima Muneca, and la nina bonita GangstaLovin989@yahoo.com
Posted by erika; updated 02/09/03
Vals de las Mariposas - danny rivera
La ultima muneca -los baron de apodaca
Posted by Maribel; updated 02/09/03