3 VERY Beautiful Dresses For Sale

I have three dresses for sale. They are BRAND new, just picked them up from the Wedding Shoppe. Paid $450 for them, $150 each. They were ordered directly from the designer. They are perfect and very beautiful. They are Bill Levkoff Strapless (with little snap on spaghetti straps) tea length in Periwinkle with European White trim on the top and right under the bust with a bow. I have taken many photos of the details of the dress. Go to http://oneduo.net/v-web/gallery/dress to view them. They are stunning and the sample dress looked amazing on all the girls. The sizes that I have are 12, 14 and 16.

The reason that I am selling these dresses is because we decided to go to Jamaica for the wedding. I called and the designer will not take returns or exchanges. I didn`t think that it was fair for the girls to pay for this dress if they cannot come, so I bought them back.

If you have any questions or want to see more photos please email me at melissalynn80@comcast.net
Posted by Melissa; updated 01/29/06