30 Th. Birthday Party

My husband`s 30th b-day is in August. I am throwing him a party in our backyard. I want it to be extra special and lots of fun. I`m thinking between 30 - 50 people will be there. I need suggestions on what entertainment to have. So far I have a tattoo artist and a psychic - got any fun ideas ????
Posted by Jen; updated 01/24/06


I`m throwing a 30th b-day party for my husband also, in september. I decided to pick a theme first. Something that I thought of when I thought about him and then work around that. (ex. Movie lover, sports fan, loves Elvis) My husband loves music and plays the drums so I`m doing a music themed party with the slogan "30 years and still got the beat!" However now I`m stuck on what to do next, any ideas? Hope this helps!
Posted by Alix; updated 02/09/06


Next you should think about decorations and for help with that go to Bill Reed Decorations for all your theme party needs!

Visit our page for more info: Bill Reed Decorations

Posted by Marjorie; updated 02/13/06


With a tatoo artist and a psychic it sounds like you have the beginnings of a circus or carnival. You can keep that theme going with carnival games (check your local listings for party suppliers that carry carnival equipment) or get some people together to create some booths. Interactive entertainment is always much more fun! Knocking down the pins with a baseball, Dunking booth (you already know who goes in there!) pitching quarters into the glass bottles (donate the change to local charity), rent a clown or two (we are never too old for a good magic trick). Carnival type food could be served too: Bags of peanuts, cracker jack, a popcorn machine in the backyard would look perfect. Cotton candy, hot dogs and ice cream cones. No matter that this sounds kiddish...believe me the adults will have a great time! And an Master of Ceremonies in a top hat (could be you!) announcing the birthday honoree - "Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages..."
Who do you know that has a sense of humor that could play the bearded lady? Or the half man-half woman? Dress the part and have fun!!
Posted by Terri; updated 02/15/06


This reply is for Alix, "30 years and still got the beat"
I think it`s wonderful that you are putting a theme together around your husband`s personality!

Send out invitations you made from sheet music. One Elvis song book is all it takes - make copies of his favorite songs and use them as the outside of the invitation and write the specifics on the inside.

If you`re having it indoors you could leave the TV on playing Elvis musicals for the entire duration of the party.

See if you can borrow a couple of music stands and using them as easels place photos of his favorite musicians and music around the room.

Spray paint a couple of box es black and glue speaker fabric on one side. Leave the boxes on their sides (so the speaker fabric faces you) and use the boxes to add height and drama to your buffet table. Put platters or bowls of whatever you`re serving. Varying the size and height of the boxes will make everything you serve stand out.
Musical notes can be cut out of black construction paper or black vinyl. You can glue them to the edges of a party store discount plain tablecloth and scatter a few around the table.

Buy an autograph/scrapbook for guests to sign during the party . Develop photos from the party (right away if you have a photo printer) and present it to your husband at the end of the night or later on in the week.

Make a rock video. Set up a staging area (drape the background with a black sheet). Find some Elvis karaoke and have guests playing mock guitar, drums, etc. As members of the band. It would make a great DVD of the party.
Serve Elvis`s favorite foods (an online search will give you plenty!)
Posted by Terri; updated 02/15/06


Terri u are an absolute genius!! Those are some really great ideas. They really help I was a little stumped on how exactly to go about this party planning thing seeing as how I have never even been semi involved in planning a party. Are there any great web sites that you know of for theme involved foods and drinks! Thanks so much for your very informative and creative ideas. Alix
Posted by Alix; updated 02/16/06


I don`t know of any specific food sites for music theme parties, but you can make a drum cake out of a round cake pan (double layer for height). Ice the side a light chocolate color and the top white. Use thin stick pretzels in a "v" pattern that repeats aroung the sides of the cake). Wilton has a guitar shaped cake pan at their website for 10.99. Http://www.wilton.com and search for guitar.

Elvis`s favorite foods were grilled peanut butter and mashed banana sandwiches; not for everyone I know; and he also liked southern foods. But it won`t be what you make as how you make it sound. Try out the following:
You could have "Love Me Tender ribs" (any recipe will do) "Hound Dogs" (hot dogs with the works), "You`ll be Lonesome Tonight baked beans!", "Jailhouse Rock-y road" ice cream"... Think of a song you can incorporate into a food item - everyone will get a kick out of it, especially if you label the food that way.
It`s a safe bet you couldn`t go wrong with simple, but ample food no matter what you serve.

For drinks make some "Blue Hawaiis" (another Elvis musical) and put the ingredients into a martini shaker with ice that will "Shake (the mix), Rattle (the ice) and Roll" (poured out into a tall glass). Everytime you make one the guests have to shout, "shake rattle and roll." Corny, but fun - at least for the first five minutes!

Hopefully you have a bunch of fun friends who will get into the spirit of the party and some close friends that will help you get things going and stay going.
Have fun!
Posted by Terri; updated 02/16/06