Sexy Portrait Of Myself

Hi im in houston,TX looking to take some sexy pictures of myself for my husband for valentines days i want to do a calendar for him but dont know where to look?
Posted by sandy; updated 01/23/06


I am in Kansas City. But if you could arange some other people
To lowere the cost I could fly into Huston and photograph your portrait. Just email me back.
Posted by bob; updated 01/27/06


I am willing to consider the shoot. I would like a few more details of what exactly you would like. I am located in San Antonio and don`t mind the drive. E-mail me with a more specific description.
(P.S. I am a female photographer :) )
Posted by Nicole Stoner; updated 01/27/06


My lowest rate would be $250.00 plus air. Exp. You handle your images .
Posted by bob; updated 01/28/06


Dear sandy
I am looking to do the same thing for my fiance who is about to leave for six months overseas i was wondering if you could give me some references
P.s. I also live in houston
Posted by ashley; updated 07/28/06


I`m in the Dallas area, I could come to Houston and shootyour photo`s. Could send some pic`s by email and show you What I`ve done. Email me and we can talk about prices and set it up.

Posted by Patrick; updated 01/29/07