My Quinceañera Pixz

Hey everyone I just had my 15 on Dec. 25. I had it in Mexico and I had lots of fun. If anyone wants to see my pix let me know and leave me your email adress and I will send them to you!
Posted by *Erika*; updated 01/05/06


I want to see them
Posted by maria aka shorty; updated 01/05/06


I would love to see them. It would be great to get ideas for our daughters quinceanera in jan.07. We would love to have it in mexico but most of my side live in texas. Wish we could fly everyone to mexico. My mother-in-law and some in-laws will have to come to texas. We live in ga and i need to plan the celebration in texas. Hope to get great ideas from your pictures. Thank you and God bless
Posted by Diana Velasco; updated 01/13/06


I forgot to give you my e-mail. . Please don`t forget to e-mail me the pics from your celebration in mex
Posted by diana velasco; updated 01/13/06


I would like to see your pics my email address is

Thank you
Posted by Nyomi Rodriguez; updated 01/13/06