To Holla

Hey gurl wats ur name hit me up leave somthin in my email how old r u ?
Posted by andre; updated 12/29/05


Hey i work out to i did 200 push-ups yesterday and i dint fell like doing s*** ill pro do bout another 2oo sit-ups im tryin to get my 6-pack back cause i lost it. Cause i love jack and mickey d`s hey since u sell cds u know dat daddy yankee cd barrio fino well i like (tu principe) dats a badd a** song its tight wat u think?? i have a big booty too its more then average they say well u know the gurlz u know how gurlz r . Bofriens do u have a boyfriend?? well im lookin for DA ONE u heard of her if u do den holla atcha boy. Well let me discribe my self im really really short so dont laugh im bout 5,3 fade/edge up ima pierce my left ear dis week das cumm up gurlz say dat i like built cause my arms and shoulders look wide and some say that it looks like i have a big u know wat i just laugh and crack up lol. Wat u think so far i ask gurlz from 1 to 10 wat they would give me they say 8,9 and some say 10. So wat u think i gotta chance or not??
Posted by andre; updated 12/29/05


Hey yes i have the barrio fino cd de daddy yanke,and the new oneen directo,do u like the new song rompe?well i do,n*e*wayswell im looking for someone 2 pero no desesperada,pero ay me encontrare alchico ,and my homeboys to 1 to10 they give me a 10but my homesgirls a8or9,well thats what they thunk ay muchos problemas contra eso cuz always there boyfriends ask me out when they are with them,but i just say no cuz im not that kinda person,well later cuidate!!!!!!
Posted by maria; updated 12/30/05


Well baby i have a problem,cuz u know that i told u about my 16s,well my familiy told me that im not going to have it,and it s***,cuz i really wanted it bad,1st is bcuz they say that i didnt want my 15sand know ido,2nd cuz they wanted to be in durango mexico bcuz all my family is there,but i want my friends to be there 2and they can go,and 3th cuz they need 25 mil para la operasion de mi grandma,and they say that is not time for parties,well but im fucking mad cuz i have 2 sisters,one is18 andthe other is13 well they are planing for her 15 that is going to be big,that is going to be alacranesin there,but i just told them that why ido good and beside she is not even doing good at school and im doing very well,and she is always fighting,and she dont help to clean the house,but yea yo de estupida lo ago para esto,but i think 2 about my grandma,well i want mi fiesta aqui cuz is more fun,but they said no what can i do.i hope they change there mind cuz i realy want to have u guys in my 16s,and i didt want my 15s cuz iwanted a car and they didnt give it 2 me,n*e*ways im sad pero later se me quita,and the 0nly person that said that is going to help me is my brother he is 20years old,but i guess im not going to have it,well is my problem not yours rite,but i just wanted 2 know what do u think.well later xoxo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by maria; updated 12/30/05


Im mean my friends cant go,well be good and u know that im crazy and later im going to be all happy ,cuz im easy about that me pueden contentar so easy.well bye baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by maria; updated 12/30/05


Well its seems like u dont want to write me no more,well i just want to tell u that if u like posole and tamales?cuz if u do u can come over to my house ,n*e*ways be good and have fun ,and have a happy new year loves u always nena.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by maria; updated 12/31/05


Hey nena ur sexy as* is da one dat hasnt ritten me no more! and bye they way i do like posole and tamales why did u give me ur address so i could go dat fuc* up well latterz mami if u wanna see my pic leave me ur email address ok latterz
Posted by andre; updated 01/02/06


Well if u want to know me and my sisters u have my number rite,well my adress is3202 clydedale is a blue house and is close from saldivar the school,carnival,or u can call me and i know that ur coming alredy!well later i hope u came one day okey.bye bebe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by nena; updated 01/02/06