PCOS And Depro Provera Shot

I took Depro 3 months after I had my son in 1998. I had never been on birth control and it was strongly recommended due to complications from my c-section. I only took one shot and the nighmare began. I gained 45 lbs in 3 months, I never changed my eating or exercise routine. I went to my family doctor and he ran some test and nothing. Well, a year went by and more and more symtoms came about. I was trying like heck to lose my weight , but I could`t. My hair started to fall out, I had anxiety, panic attacks, dizziness, tooth decay, acne, irregular periods. I would go as much as 9 months without a period. I went to my Gyno and they tested my hormone levels and they were all out of wack. I was told to see a reproductive endrocronologist to be put on Metformin and about 8 other meds. They did a vaginal sonogram and found out that I had many cyst on my ovaries. This was called PCOS(Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). This syndrome can cause insulin resistance(pre diabites), high lipid levels which can put you at risk for stroke or heart attack. They have treatments/drugs for the symtoms but there is no cure. My belief is that Depro Provera changes the hormone balances in your body and causes it to go haywire. If you have experienced the same, please email me. I am doing a little bit of investigating into this.
Posted by Stacia; updated 12/26/05


Many people with PCOS are not diagnosed until later - 20s. They think it is caused by insulin resistance and not the other way arouns but quite frankily then don`t know the cause for sure. Many people have it and do not know.

This may also have some on with changes when you were expecting. Many people have insulin issues surfact at that time and were predisposed to it but never knew it.

Any yes, maybe this drug had an effect on you, but unless you were ever tested for PCOS before you took it you will have a hard time proving it.
Posted by Janine; updated 01/15/06


My daughter was advised through youth workers at college to use depro, for contraception. She had just one shot,before I found out and persuaded her to not have any more. She was 17yrs at the time. Now, 2yrs later she has been diognosed with pcos. We looked back over the those months inbetween, and realised that lots of the things she has been going through seems to stem from from that shot. It seems to have changed her looks, her character, her confidence, self esteem...
Wat do you think? I`m looking into natural remedys, what have you found out.
Posted by carole; updated 10/19/06


Hi , have you found any more about depro? I had just one shot and have periods every other week since. Have put on weight suddenly, get hot flushes, cravings for sweets to list a few.
Posted by viji; updated 10/08/07


My 16 year old daugther is on the Depro Provera Shot. This is a nightmare. She has drastic mood swings, depression, anxiety. She has been referred to see a pyschologist and be put on medication. She has been complaining of stomach pains and was taken to the emergency room and they found out that she has multiple cyst on her kidneys. We have an appointment to see a specialist to get further details of the cysts and the remedy for removing them. My daughter is not the same. She walks around like a zombie, as if she is in another world. She sits in the room and crys and stares at the walls. She also has been complaining of back pains. When she went to be put on the shot they recommended that she takes calcuim pills for her bones because the shots messes with your bones. I am one stressed mother about to lose my mind with all this over the depro provera shot. I have printed off articles for my daughter to read of other peoples testimonies of how it affected them and their lives. She wants off of it but now we have to deal with the medical situation for being on it. She has only been on it for 6 months. This is the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by MIssy; updated 10/08/07