First Wedding Ever
Hi, I`m gettign married and I don`t know where to start. I have looked on different sites for wedding plannings but I would like to hear advice from you, if you don`t mind. I`m 18 years old and only been to one wedding, so I`m kind of lost on the whole thing. I know someone that does weddings but before I ask, I would like to learn more about it first. Maybe so I can help more. Can you help me. Thanks for your time. - Coressa
Posted by Coressa; updated 12/06/05
Reply is the best place to look. They provide you with a step by step time line (from month to month) to get you to the big day. They have a budget guide, all you do is put in your amount and they provide you with a recommendation of what money should be allocated where, they also have many other features such as a free website, guest list manager, and many idea boards. I hope this helps!! Good luck and happy pplanning!
Posted by bobbi; updated 12/07/05