Stoopid Guy

I went out with this kid named jack. He broke up with me and completely broke my heart. I asked him out again and he said no. Then, he asked out two of my friends. At one of the school dances, he slow danced with one of the girls he was rejected by. But, when we were going out, he had refused to slow dance with me. Now, he asked me out. I think he might try breaking up with me or something really dumb like that. But i sort of want to go out with him. There is this other guy named chris, he is a great friend. But, i dont even know what to think about all of these dumb boys. What should i do? i like them both (though i like chris more) but i really dont know what to do with this decision! HELP!!!
Posted by Ro Ro; updated 11/20/05


You can either learn from the lesson of the first break up or you can replay it again and allow yourself to be let down again. You need to take control of your life, when he asked you out again, you should have said, "no, you wanted things the way they are now and I just want to keep it this way. I don`t need the drama." As for the friends, they are not friends if they go out with your ex and all along they wanted him while you were with him. I think that you should move forward. My mother always says to me, you can`t see where you are going, if you are looking back to where you have been. It is okay to still like him as those feelings will be there but it is time to move on. No matter how old you are, you will always find another boy.
Posted by Paula; updated 11/21/05