What Do I Put On My Save The Date?

This is my scenario:

My fiance is Jamaican so we are having a very small legal wedding on 11/18/2005. Then, on 11/18/2006 we are going to Jamaica for a larger ceremony and I get to wear the white dress. I want to send save the date magnets out to everyone in my family (like 200 people) to give them the option of attending the destination wedding. How should I word it though? Most of them will not know I`m married as I want the 2006 wedding to feel like the "real" one, but I don`t want to say "We`re Getting Married" snice its technically not true.

Any ideas???

Also, is it proper to send it to my extended family even though most of them will not attend?

And - my fiance goes by a nickname (Michael) - His real name is ...well, odd; and he never uses it other than on legal documents - Michael is what everyone knows him by. Can I put Michael on the save the date magnet or must I put his given name? His given name will go on the invitation.
Posted by Julie; updated 11/09/05