Free Movie Screening

Call (718)270-6096 to RSVP today or email: for your free admission and seat to see "FOREIGN" Tehut-Nine`s new full-feature film at Medgar Evers College on November 17, 2005. (See details below)

SunRASon Films in conjunction with
Medgar Evers College.
Film and Culture Series

Cordially invites you to the

For "FOREIGN" a Caribbean Comedy

ADM: FREE (Bring lots of friends)
Loc: Medgar Evers College Founders Auditorium
1650 Bedford Avenue (Brooklyn, NY)
2,3,4,5 Trains to Franklin Ave
*Bring Picture ID to enter

Doors open at 6:30
Movie Starts 7:00pm Sharp

Film Synopsis

Jimmy (Hookworm) has lived his whole life like a nomad moving from
One place to another and finding trouble at every stop. After being
Sponsored by his cousin with a visa to come to America, Worm tries to
Settle in and enjoy his new life in New York. He runs into a
Beautiful acquaintance from Jamaica (Stacy) who he begins to court,
But with no job or money of his own, he grows depressed and is soon
Overwhelmed with restlessness. Bobby a local wheeler and dealer takes
Advantage of Worms naivety and skillfully pulls him into his illicit
World, however, when things begin to fall apart Worm finds himself in
A nomadic shuffle with nowhere to go. Foreign is not what he expected
And he never expected his life to spin out of control so quickly.
Only one thing can save him now...which choice will he make?

For more information call (718)270-6096 or (917)531-5704 or (917)370-9922
Posted by davaun; updated 10/31/05