Hi I am going to be attending a quinceanera and I have no clue what to get her!!! can someone please help me out? thank you
Posted by ria; updated 09/21/02
Well im having on you can either get her jewerly or you can always get her something that you will think that if she lookes at it she will think of u. Like my sister got on of these albums with all the pics and it was like a scarpbook my sister loved it but if you dont like that email me Jewel580@hotmail.com and you can tell me what she likes and stuff and I can help u!!
Posted by Yalisse; updated 09/22/02
Get her jewelry, make up, or better yet so you won`t go wrong on what you give. Just give her money then she can buy what she likes.
Posted by alondra; updated 03/13/03