13th Birthday!!!

I`m having a 13th birthday but i dont know what to do??
Posted by Ashley; updated 10/17/05


I am having my thirteenth birthday to!!! I don`t know what to do eather!!! Sux huh!?!?
Posted by Ashleigh; updated 01/22/06


I`m turning 13 on feb. 7...im having a big slumber party. If its aslumber party, you could play this game called gossip. At my last party we played this allllll night long, its really fun. Heres how you play: everybody sits in a circle, close to each other. One person thinks of a phrase...or gossip, something like " Jack is incredibly hot" you know, something like that. Then you whisper it to the person beside you, and they whisper it to the person beside them, until it goes all the way around the circle and gets back to you. You will be surprised at all the funny sayings you come out with. Its really fun. And also at this party, i am having a "treasure hunt" all over my neighborhood. You have to follow the clues and from the way my mom acts i think she has some things up her sleeve...you can play questions only, where you make upa scene and then the 2 people can only speak in questions. When they mess up and either cant think of something or say something that isnt a question by accident, then they are out and the next person is in. This one is fun too. I got that game from the show WHose Line Is It Anyway, and they have lots of good ones, like 2 line vocabulary, and party quirks. Watch that show, not only will you laugh, you will have some new ideas.
Posted by Shannon; updated 01/23/06