Wut Do You Guys Think About This Dress

This is the dress i`m planning on having my damas wear. The color is chambrod and my dress is pink. Do you guys think it will match and tell me what you think about the dress. Heres the link http://davidsbridal.com/bridesmaids_detail.jsp?stid=2042&prodgroup=110
Posted by Ani; updated 10/15/05


I think its very nice is it for ur damas?????


Hit me up
Posted by Ariana; updated 10/15/05


Hey thats a real real purty dress but are they really goin to pay that much?
Posted by RUBY; updated 10/16/05


Hey i like the dress u r getting. Its really pretty.i like it cuz its long and it looks nice and comfortable.
Posted by Vero; updated 10/17/05