40`s Hairstyles

Hey, our drama department at my high school is doing a show called `State Fair`, set in the 40`s. I`m in charge of makeup and hair but I`m having trouble finding pictures and how-to`s (I have to teach everyone how to do their own, as there is little time to get ready before a show). If anyone has websites, pictures, instructions, or tips, they`d be greatly appreciated!!! I`ll be digging around everywhere for this info, so I`d be glad to help out anyone else that needs it! Thanks!
Posted by marianne; updated 10/12/05



This web site has various 40`s hairstyles on and with each one they give you a step by step guid on how to do the styles.
Which should make it easy for them to do it themselves. As i know how hard it can all be.

I hope you find this site helpful and good luck with the show.
Posted by ruth; updated 11/28/05