I`m Going To Be A Dama In My Friends Quinceanera But...
My best friend is having a quinceanera, and she named me a dama, and im so excited ans i cant wait! But I`m african american so i have no clue what gift i should give, what to do, or how to act!!! Can anyone give me a quick but detailed discrpition of what I`m supposed to do, how to do it, and what to expect from this big celebration? Thanx.
Posted by kk; updated 10/08/05
Hi, when in doubt... Just be yourself. If you`re worried about how "To Be" that probably means you have nothing to worry about. Enjoy the party and embrace the new culture. For more ideas visit www.mysweet16online.com.
Posted by Elaine Paredes; updated 11/24/05