Hello my name is Gomer Thomas the owner of ProductionOne We have over 15+ years of experience as a photographer. Our pictures capture the inner self of those We have photographed, we specialize in Landscape, family portraits, weddings, engagements, graduation, glamour shots, photo restoration birthday parties, composite cards and many more. Many of our pictures have been known to bring tears to the eyes of loved ones. We live in a new age of digital photography and Production One has embraced the new technology with open arms. Not only can we restore your old damaged photo, but also now we can do it in style! We can remove unwanted backgrounds, skin blemishes or stray hair. We can also print your photograph in any size from 3" x 5" to Billboard size! Whatever your photographic needs are we can do it all.
Please feel free to contact me at 917-547-8706 or
Posted by GOMER THOMAS; updated 10/06/05