Daddy Yankee

Hi all of ya suckas i got his numba and i will only give it to one grl alright so whoeva wants it mail me at
Posted by nytssa; updated 09/24/05


DamN GuRl Can I Have it pLeAzE caUSE iM iN LOVE WITh hIm. And ALsO Want it TO See if hE WouLD Go to my 15. PlaEze EMAIl ME baCK AT
Posted by prISCiLLA; updated 10/02/05


Please can i have his # man i wished that 1 day that i would be able to see daddy yankee in person and i would really like it if he came to my fiffteen and just 1 just once sing a song for me at my quincenera please would u give me his number just email me at
Posted by KristyVillanueva; updated 10/03/05


Please can i have his # man i wished that 1 day that i would be able to see daddy yankee in person and i would really like it if he came to my fiffteen and just 1 just once sing a song for me at my quincenera please would u give me his number just email me at funkymonkey64619@CS.COM
Posted by Coco; updated 10/10/05