
Hello. If another Mom could answer this question I would really be greatful.
My daughter is having her QuinceaƱera in Oct.2006. She really doesn`t have alot of girls for her court, maybe 2-3 that she can trust, so we`re wondering could she just have a court of all Chamberlains? If so should it be 14 to make up for the girls not being there?

Thank you for your advise......
Posted by Joy; updated 09/23/05


Hi! I`m not a Mom, but I am planning my 15s. I think not having girls in the courts would be a very interesting twist. I think if you cooradinate it right, everyone will really enjoy it!
Posted by Erika; updated 09/24/05


Hi theres this place in fort worth called Ar`les & co. Theres a guy he does that kind of stuff like if you need a full cort of honor he can get it for you and all the people know how to dance and their very respectful he also makes up the dances and dont worry their not tacky or anything and he can do anything he leaves it up to you for what kind of music you want to dance to hes not expencive but even if he was hes well worth the money you wont regret it if you want his number just tell me
Posted by Appy; updated 09/24/05


Ok. Well thank you both for your advise. She is SO very excited and we just dont want to do anything wrong.
Posted by Joy; updated 09/24/05