Hey what colors should i have? what should my chambelanes wear? my theme is stars and butterflies? what kind of music should i have? do yall think it is kool or okayy for a white gurl to have a quince anos party? but see she has been with mexicans all her life. She understand read speak and writes it. She even cook and eats mexican food. So what do yall think?
Posted by DULCE; updated 09/21/05
Where are you getting ur butterfly decorations 4rm.., i cant find ANY & my XV is cumin up soon.....
Posted by Mariposa; updated 09/21/05
One of my friend (janette) bought them from miami? Do you think it is wrong for white gurls to have quince anos party
Posted by Dulce; updated 09/21/05
Not tryin to be rude but is kinda of wrong for a white gurl to have a 15 b/c its a mexican tradition its like a catholic tryin do hanikiah( or however you spell it) b/c it suppose to b when mexicans show themself to GOD and there family!!!!!!!!
Posted by pebbles; updated 09/22/05