New Videographer In The DFW !

Check out our site use our contact us page to send us comments or even to set up a meeting to check out our work.
Posted by EDITONE; updated 09/20/05


Hey if yall need a Videographer, Fortographer,and Cadets, you should go to FM Studios in East Dallas, there Video`s are made the way you like. So give a shout to FM Studios at 214-370-9909
Posted by JoJo; updated 09/20/05


Nice web site. Love your videos
Posted by brenda; updated 09/30/05


Your videos suck,the MPEG files are very big and it takes a long time to download not to mention watch,I believe you need to master sony vegas a little better and also the videoclips have a feel and look like the ones you see in videorola and all those cheap grupero looking videoclips,also, the website is ugly,bad bad,get somebody to do it for you..a least until you really learn you way around photoshop and imageready,this is my two cents man,hopefully you continue to develop and get better in this trade
Posted by Badasseditor!!!; updated 10/01/05


Maybe you should buy a better and faster computer cuz they play fine on my comp. So what work do you got to show? Im not offended but you called me out and it is what it is. So as soon as i see your what you can do. What can I say?
Posted by EditOne; updated 10/02/05


Hey well want to give u props on ur site, i like the the editor for FM Studio in East Dallas...and i like ur the ways dont pay attention to the haters, there mad cause we make mad money while they sit back and wish.....
Posted by DDB; updated 10/05/05


I wonder if you really make any guys seem very desperate trying to book gigs!!!if not what is that you pop in this board every now and then with info about your services!! why?? not getting enough referrals..jejejeje
Posted by Ed; updated 10/05/05


To tell u the truth....i am doing really good to only be 20 years old i own half of one of the nicest studios in dallas, i own/manage a group of cadets the dallas dream boyz, im forming a new DJ crew...not to mention im planning to open a new club in the next yeah i think im makin money how about...u...if theres a doubt meet in the VIP this friday at whatever club u far as ur other comment about the references well lets say exrta advertising never hurts....sure got ur attention didnt maybe ur hatin...maybe ur not....but at least ur talking about us...and thats what advertising is....
Posted by DDB; updated 10/06/05


This bio a joke man... Give it up to this cyber thug... This bio sent me a link to his site and that $h!# was all missed up. I wont post a link cause that aint me... O well a ddb thanks for the comments finally we got some hispanics that back each other up... Do ya have a website? For his other comments man all im doing is getting my hustle down. Im just turn 21 and teaching my self all this stuff cause aint no one going to do it for me. Thats just what that is....
Posted by EDITONE; updated 10/06/05


Yea well we do have a website but its really out dated, we dont have any streaming videos like yours on ours, plus it still has our old company name... I am however looking for someone to redue it cause, i really dont like it....but if wanna check it out its but like i siad its not that good..... Neways i know what u mean when comes to get ur stuff done, ive had to learn everything i know on my own, just messing with it....but that kinda makes u proud to know no one had to hold ur hand to get u where u are...well im out laters...
Posted by DDB; updated 10/06/05


You you have any picture of the ddb, if you do can you send them to me at Thanks
Posted by kim; updated 11/19/05