Quinceanera Party
I`m planning my daughter`s quinceaera and i have a few questions i wanted to ask
1. What is the difference between a waltz and a baltz dance?
2. Do you celebrate aquinceanera and a sweet sixteen the same way?
3. My daughter has not done her first communion or confirmation yet, i know she needs all these things before she does her quince.
4. I was told by a friend of mines which he is from the mexican background that if she does not have her first communion or confirmation that they will do it all at once when she does her quinceanera.
I don`t know how much of this is true but if someone has the answers to my questions please feel free to post them on the reply message board or e-mail me at BABYGIRLR1967@AOL.COM.
Posted by betty; updated 08/18/02
Are you catholic? If so, then yes I`ve heard this is true.
But, this is not just for catholics. It has nothing to do with the catholic church, as many think it does. But, this is one of their rules amongst their many.
I`ve heard that a sweet sixteen and a Quinceanera celebration are very similar. Both of them have to do with coming of age.
I wish I could`ve helped you more. Sorry.
Posted by deedee; updated 08/19/02
A Quinceanera was not originally a religous ceremony, I think it was more of a society thing much like Sweet Sixteen. It became religous when the spainards came and made this land a christian land and of course the spainards were Catholics.
Yes, in order to have mass the Quinceanera would have to have recieved her sacraments communion and confirmation. Quinceanera is not a sacrament, but some places the Quinceanera would recieve her confirmation the same day. If you are lucky enough to find a church to give her these sacraments all at one time and give her the mass that would be ideal. And could really celebrate all these events. What wonderfully day for her.
Sweet Sixteen and Quinceanera`s are similiar in meaning the only difference are the little customs that we hispanic have and of course another difference is the age. According to our customs we are consider as an adult at fifteen unlike the Jewish Community they are of age at 13.
I think the celebration is supposedly the same and that is to celebrate with family and friends. (Not romance)
There is no difference in the waltz, valtz, or baltz. Waltz is the german word and baltz is the castillian word.
Good luck.
Posted by Helpful; updated 08/24/02
Hey could yall tell me about a catholic church here in Houston that does the 15 and the confirmation @ the same time well post a message or email me @ Lbeli12@cs.om
Posted by Angelgurl; updated 09/07/02