Best Cadets In The Metro
Hey this go to all the girls who are looking for cadets and want the best. I had Famous Creations and they are the best. In the begining i had the dream team but there manager is not professional and so i dropped them and gave Famous Creations a chance. I was there first 15 and they are the best cause they use a diff routine for evry 15 so yours wont be like anyone elses and thats what we want is different. So if you want your 15 to be as bad a$$ as mine get famous creations.
Posted by Appy; updated 09/01/05
If your the girl from the convention center then can u get me the number to famous creations manager because i saw what they did at ur 15nera and that was bad a**
Posted by cassie; updated 09/07/05
Hey whos the manager, you were talking about Gus or Cindy?????
Posted by Pebbles; updated 09/08/05
Posted by Appy; updated 09/08/05
Yeah he prob. Wasnt professional but trust me thats all goin to change!!!!! Ya r goin to see a new and improved DR3AM T3AMl!!!!!!! ya just b ready!!!
Posted by Ruby; updated 09/08/05