Daisy Duxxx Wants To Help Hurricane Victims!

Hi everybody! We have all seen the horrifying pictures of New Orleans, Mississippi, and the Gulf Coast & yet, while I watch it on TV, I feel so helpless. While I am certified to respond to disasters with the American Red Cross, my travel schedule does not allow for that right now. I can`t even help operate the shelter that has opened back home in Valdosta, GA.

Since, my hands are tied with me giving manpower, I want to help out financially. This is why I have decided to donate 1/2 of all September income from www.daisyduxxx.com to disaster relief to Hurrican Katrina Victims. I will most likely donate it to the Hurricane Katrina Fund through the American Red Cross. My hosting company Southern Charms is donating $10,000 and many of the other Southern Charms girls are donating from their sites too.

Please help Southern Charms & I in our efforts to help these desperate people. Visit www.daisyduxxx.com now to make your donation. I will be posting the receipt of how much I donate to the American Red Cross on my website at the end of September to prove that the money was designated to that specific cause. Or you can make your donation directly at www.redcross.org or 1-800-HELP-NOW.

Alot of people join porn sites just for the enjoyment of looking at sexy girls & hot sex...but now in addition to this...you can help people who have no other place to turn. Let`s show the world that the porn industry is made up of people who care & who have a heart for people in need.

Daisy Duxxx

Visit our page for more info: Daisy Duxxx Entertainment

Posted by Daisy Duxxx; updated 09/01/05