At Hardbody International we write our own advertising. However, the best ad we could ever write is written by one of our satisfied clients. One of our clients, 26 year old Sara from Hoboken, NJ recently celebrated her upcoming nuptials when her friends threw her a surprise bachelorette party and hired one of our male strippers to dance at her party.
Here`s what Sara wrote to us in an email days later:
"Dear Hardbody International,
This past saturday my sister and our friends threw me a bachelorette party. I admit I kind of suspected it when she invited me to her apartment but wouldn`t tell me where we were going. We were having a good time having drinks, reliving old memories and stuff when we got a knock on the door around 9:30 from a police officer. I pretty much knew when all my friends started giggling. But I went along with it anyway. He said my car was illegally parked. How that ended up with him having to handcuff me and search me though, well I`m not complaining. LOL. The music started playing and things got lively. He sat me in a chair and called it the "hot seat" for the evening. I guess that means that whoever sits in that chair is going to get it! His body was incredible. Since then I told my hubby to please shave his chest because rubbing my hands all over a smooth chiseled chest is such a turn on I found out. The party went a little over a half hour and by the time it was done we all had smacked his butt so many times it was getting red. Of course, we have plenty of memories now because they caught it all on camera. But from what I hear Steve had his own party so that means I`m off the hook.
The best part I have to say is when the stripper removed dollar bills out of our bras with his teeth! HOT! Thanks Again -- Sara"
Ladies, there you have it. Another satisfied bride-to-be. So when you are planning a bachelorette party, want to hire male strippers for a birthday surprise, or just want to have a fun and wild girls night, call Hardbody International.
Hardbody International
Hottest Male Strippers in NJ, NY, NYC
Visit our page for more info: Hardbody International