Quinceanera`s Waltz

I couldn`t afford a professional choreographer for my niece`s Quinceanera Waltz, so I did it myself. My niece and her court loved it...it was simple, tasteful & fun! They were a group of 5 couples including the Quinceanera & her escort. They did a great job! Most choreographers charge from $75 an hour and up, my price would start at $20 an hour. I am in the La Habra, CA area.
Posted by Ann Marie; updated 08/22/05


Wuold you be willing to come down to San Diego. I need a choreographer
Posted by marlene; updated 09/18/05


Depending on when your quinceanera is....practices must be held every weekend. San Diego is almost 2 hours away and it may be a bit difficult for me to commute. I`m sorry.
Posted by Ann Marie; updated 09/19/05


Do you have a video of the waltz i would be willing to pay for it. Please email me at araceliorozco@sbcglobal.net
Posted by Araceli; updated 10/08/05


Would u be willing 2 come 2 riverside
Posted by katherine; updated 11/17/05


Where in Riverside? Just let me know.
Feel free to email me
Posted by Ann Marie; updated 11/21/05



I was wondering,...
Is it possible to tell me what song you used for your niece.
Or any song suggestions you may have...
Thank you i would appreciate it.

Im planning my 15 in november and i need help.
Thanks again.
Posted by melissa; updated 08/10/08