Receipt Of Gift - Response
What is the proper time to repond to a wedding gift received soon after the invitations were sent out ---
Immediately or after the wedding
Posted by Rebeca; updated 08/21/05
Traditionally, gifts were received by the bride well ahead of the wedding, opened, and laid out on a table at the brides home until after the festivities. Thank you notes were then written after the wedding. If the wedding did not take place, all gifts were returned.
Nowadays, you have two choices: open the gift and respond immediately with a thank you card, or place the gift away until after the ceremony, but send a quick written thank you note to say you have received the gift and will open it at a later date. At that time, another, more formal thank you note should be sent. Most people prefer to do the latter so as not to "jinx" the nuptuals. If the guest prefers you to open the gift beforehand (maybe they want you to use it during the ceremony), then they will soon let you know.
Posted by Rikki; updated 08/22/05