Marisa 616 Wanted 4-8

I`m looking for the Marisa 616 in a small size 4-8. Ivory colored prefered but will consider white. In mint condition ONLY!
Posted by Christy Shepard; updated 08/16/05


I`m thinking about selling my Marisa 616, worn 8/6/05. It`s in great condition and was taken to be cleaned and preserved 2 days after my wedding. It`s ivory and a size 8. It was altered to fit me--5`4 with measurements of 35-26-36. I wore 2 1/2 inch heels with the dress. Let me know if you`re interested.
Posted by Stephanie; updated 09/12/05


Yes, I`m interested. I have to go home and measure myself because I am not sure what my dimensions are. But I am 5`4 also. How much are you asking for the dress? Also where do you live?
Posted by Christy Shepard; updated 09/12/05


I`d consider selling it for $1000. I had a French bustle put in, which is still intact. I`m in Chicago.
Posted by Stephanie; updated 09/16/05


Great, I just have one request. Since you are so far from me (i`m in Massachusetts) could you just take some detailed pictures of the dress and also show me the french bustle. I just want to be certain that everything is in mint condition as I`m sure you can understand.
Posted by Christy Shepard; updated 09/16/05


I`ve changed my mind about selling the dress. As it turns out, my husband is more sentimental than I am and really wants me to keep it. Good luck with your search.
Posted by Stephanie; updated 09/26/05