~*My Quinceanera*~
Heyyyy wats up??!! well im havin a sweet 15 but dats next year...in august....im goin 2 have it in puerto rico wit all my other family nd all. Rite now im livin in jersey. Ma dad said 2 ma mom dat he guna send me nd ma mom first like at the end of june(wen skool is over) den so me nd ma mom could start plannin nd just havin fun WHILE MA DAD ISNT WIT US =)...ma mom nd me r like best friendss nd idk wat i would do witout her..neways...as we havin it next year , ma mom told me she saw somethin on tv bout sweet 15 nd she recorded it nd showed me...ndd so we came on da comp nd it was like 5 somethin lol..newaysss me nd ma mom mad happy we doin it. Ma aunt said she`ll help wit us wit it but..i kinda doubt it....now ma aunt in puerto rico i dunt doudt dat...now sHe is HAPPYY nd cant wait cuz ever since ma mom told dem omg she is soo exctired..cuz we went dis year 2 puerto rico..july 8-26..it was fun nd i wanna go back..nd wen we told her..shes like she wanna help..wat kinda color i want ma dress nd all dat..nd i just cant wait..
If ne1 has ne pics of sweet 15 send dem 2 my emial: ricangurl732@yahoo.com
THANKS nd sorry i wrote alot nd kinda dunt make sense but w/e lol nd o yea we havin it on august 5, 2006...ON MY BIRTHDAY.. Nd plus its guna b on a saturday.YEA BOYY
Neways talk 2 ya later..nd gud luck nd have fun wit ya sweet 15`s....!!!
Much luv,maria
Posted by Maria; updated 08/12/05