I Need HELP!
Im going to have a quincenera but i dont know all of the things needed in a quincenera! I have plenty of padrinos but i dont know all of the things needed! CAN SOMONE PLEASE HELP ME!
Posted by amanda; updated 08/10/05
These`s r some of the things you can use your pardrinos 2 pay for.--- Iglesia,salon,areglo de salon, fotos y video, limo, music for in the party, pastel, d.j, invitations, brindis, 15 roses, ring, nacklace, braclet, bible, libro y rosario, ultima muneca, libro de frima, ramo natural, cojin, taira, album for pictures. Those are the items i`m using for my quince and my oler pardrinos were the big thing like iglesia and fotos y video that have enough money for it and my friends and cousins were the little stuff like utima muneca. Well if u need anything else holla back at fillmorechick_23@hotmail.com
Posted by Lucy Montelongo; updated 08/10/05