14th Bday Best Bomb, 4 Weeks Peeps Help

Um scuse me pplz but last yr (13th) only 2 frends came and my fam, it was tha biggest and worst night of my effin life ever (soz) ne who this year is gonna be a huge blowout and i want it ova 2 nights or maybe 1 and ill have guys (no kissin u dunno my frends if u did ull think its gross) ne who i need ideads and i dunt want stuff like dares unless im reely desparate but deff a no no 2 musical chairs and freeze i wanna do stuff not sit around with music and movies all night and day i want 2 do stuff like stuff outside at drk in street and no naughty stuff like 7 mins in heaven my mum wuld freak (she will say no 2 everyhting but i dont care what she says) ne way yer i want it 2 be just as good as a 16 yr olds bubiz oh emails me to cadam13@bigpond.net.au (preferably) or cassieadams01@hotmail.com or even add me if u wanna talk 1 on 1 tata cassie xxx
Posted by cassie; updated 08/01/05


Check out my website for possible themes for teen birthday parties and other teen events. I have hosted parties with themes like Groovy 60`s, Luau, Funky Prom, and more. No baby crafts, no silly games. Just you and your girls, in great party ambiance, doing your thing! If you are not local to me, I can offer consultation services and do-it-yourself party packages.

Visit our page for more info: Big Red Boat Parties

Posted by Joni Brennan; updated 08/01/05


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My 14th Birthday!!!!!!
My 14th birthday is coming up! and i was going to have a beach party, but i heard someone else is going to before mine... So my dad thought with my friends we will get surfing lessons at the beach http://www.surfschool.net/cc_lessons.html#birthday
Its a great website!!! we also might rent a beach house for the night, and of course roast hotdogs and smores!!! tell me wat you think of this idea or if you think you might use it!!!!!!!
Posted by Delanie; updated 08/01/05


Um they r great, i dunno bout tha beach tho and i have no clue wat smores r, i think they r bikkies (im an aussie i come from australia) i ae some ideas but i just want to no whats tha best with both sexes and i dont want ne kissing games or nethin to urgh yer but no alcahol and no smoking or nething stupid or gay like that lol im not old enough and i dont reely wanna see movies ill check your site and see thanx guys
Posted by cassie; updated 08/02/05