Please I Need Help
I need help from anyone that would be kind enough to help . Well my boyfriend and i are almost going to be one year together so i dont know what to get him i really like him and i just want to get him something really nice. So please help me or email me to Thanks
Posted by jeanette; updated 07/22/05
Hey gurl this is fabiola and i think you should get him some cologne and some nice dress up shirts. But it also depends on his style so let me know what he likes so i can tell you about a couple of cheap stores that our broke mexican a.s.s.e.s can afford. Oh yeah another good idea is to do a scrapbook with pics of yall together and of when yall were little dueces
Posted by fabiola; updated 07/23/05
Well gurl i think u should get him his all time fave movie on dvd well if he aint got it or colonge wit a card u could write da card urself or a nice shirt well i dunno jus some suggestions
Posted by lore; updated 07/24/05