Bat Mitzvah Theme
We are planning my daughter`s Bat Mitzvah and are thinking about a Tennis theme. Any suggestions?
Posted by Sharon Zimmer; updated 07/17/05
I went to a bar mitzvah where tennis was one of the themes. On some of the tables they had very tall narrow vases filled with tennis balls and flowers on the top and base. Another set up was tennis shoes at different heights with flowers coming out of them and another set up was racquets coming out of floral arangements. Netting was put over the table cloths on the children`s tables that added a nice touch.
Posted by Roberta; updated 08/13/05
Where are you located? For theme party decorations in the Dallas Fort Worth area Bill Reed Decations is the best. You can see some of the past events they have done on their website
Visit our page for more info: Bill Reed Decorations
Posted by marjorie; updated 08/15/05