Father Daughter Songs

Does anyone know of any good father daughter songs or poems. Poems from a father to his daughter?
Posted by J. Martinez; updated 07/15/05


Go to weddingmusiccentral.com and listen to MY LITTLE GIRL! It`s a beautful song for father/daughter dance!
Posted by SweetMom; updated 08/27/05


What up j martinez iam writing to you because i no this song it called Butterfly kisses and it about the sweetsixteen girl and her dad it realy nice iam going to have it for my sweetsixteen so believe its nice it going to make everybody cried i love that song do you have a email so i can email the song to you ok ASAP if you want ok GOD BLESS YOU IN A SPECIAL WAY !!! hope you like it
Posted by joanna; updated 08/30/05


There`s a new song that`s perfect for a Sweet 16 Father/Daughter dance. It`s
Called "Sweet 16 (My Everything)" by "Who Are Those Guys". You can hear for
This is the PERFECT tune for a father/daughter dance......
Thanks for listening!.
Posted by tom; updated 03/12/09