Baile Sorpresa Or A Theater Show
Should I do a Baile sorpresa or a theater show .My friends want me 2 do the el baile sorpresa and so does my cuz`ns ,but my other part of my family wants me 2 do the theater show .I don`t know which one 2 pick.We already have the theater show but i need ideas for el baile sorpresa.
Posted by Sugey; updated 07/14/05
Hi Sugey! What is a theater show? I have herd of the surprise dance but not a theater show. Tell me a little more and maybe you can do both. I have done many surprise dances. Also, tell you your theme and what is your "companeras" wearing. What type of dresses are they? Can they move in them? Let me know.
You can e-mail me at
Posted by Just Danz Studio; updated 07/17/05