Hey my homegurls 15th b-day is cumin up. Shes not having a 15 or anything but Shes having a party and shes getin a dress and a dj and renting a place and stuff like that but she wants to know if the cadets would still go and dance even though it aint a 15 holla back at me my email address is
Posted by Vanessa; updated 07/09/05


Hey gurl how u been... Hey well acaully she is having a quinceanera...all it is is when you have a big party and celebrate it with friends and family... Its still a quince.. And shes having a dj, well of course it definetly a quince...naw i aing havin chambelanes but it still a quince... Jsut cuzz she aint having damas and chambelanes dont meen nuttin.... Hope this helps... A lil at least....
Posted by ~BABYGURL~; updated 07/10/05


Hey thanks for the advice babygurl! i apprecatie (i think thats how u spell it) it .is it okay if she aint doing the church to?
Posted by Vanessa; updated 07/10/05


Hey Vanessa whats ur last name... U sound familia... Im prolly 1 of ya homegurls...

Yeah also 4 my 15 im doin da same thang im not having damas or chambelanes just a party wit dj and homegurls and family, nutin special. But yeah its still a quince. Just gunna do is dance eat talk eat cake take pixes... Its plain but its sum10

I wuz glad ta help ya

Type back soon ~BABYGURL~
Posted by ~BABYGURL~; updated 07/10/05


Hey babygurl my last name is Vanessa Herrera well i hope everything goes good with ur 15teen party
Posted by Vanessa; updated 07/10/05