I Have Pix Of Mine &Some Friends Quinceanera

Hey if any of you need any pix just holla back at me
I have alot of pixs of alot of gurls quince even mine
Mine was last may tha 23rd colors were purple &yellow it was great and also if any one needs help with something about their party i can help i am always helping gurls with theres bye :)
Posted by jessica; updated 07/09/05


Hey well i kinda need help with tha coreography(sorry if mispelled) itz cuz the person that was supose 2 do it is going to be at school so i jus wanted to know if u could give me an idea of some steps that i could use thnx oh by the way i would like to see tha pictures
Gutzlatinagrl@yahoo.com thnx
Posted by aida; updated 07/09/05


Hey. I really need sum help trying 2 decide how 2 dress my chambelanes! my mom wants cadetes. Its cool n all but my guys arent going 2 want 2 dress in that! help! my e-mail is candylalatina@aim.com or yum_yum_dulces@bellsouth.net. Please help!
Posted by Candy; updated 07/09/05