Dance For Sweet 15

My daughter is having her sweet 15 . It`s all Luau. She does not have a dance routine or music for her partners to dance to?Can you please advise ASAP....
Thank you.
Posted by Clara Rosa; updated 07/08/05


Maybe you ought to hire a professional? Unless you are thinking of having her do a Hawaiian Dance?
Posted by Patty; updated 07/08/05


I choreograph dances for Quinceanera`s all the time. I am very creative, and reliable. Let me know if you`re interested, I already have ton`s of ideas for your theme!
I usually provide music and costumes for my dances.

Also, if you are still in need of any accessories for your daughter`s XV, I`ll be more than happy to help! I have great referrals for those!
Posted by Martha; updated 07/08/05


Please let me know howmuch you charge for the coreography for the sweet 15 .
Posted by Alondra; updated 08/06/05


I am in real need of a coreghrapher that is chep but is creative i and the party will be AWSOME but i can`t do it with out a creative creghrapher please replay to my messeage and or e-mail me at

Thank u,

Posted by carmen; updated 08/10/05


Well if you want cadets to do her 15 u can call us.This is the mangaer of SWEET SENSATION Cadets.for info call me
Ask for Alex
Posted by Alex; updated 08/10/05