My Dad Dnt Want Any Thing 2 Do Wit My Quince

Ok my dad doesnt want any thing 2 do wit my quice and i have 2 write a speech and i dnt no f i should include him....and he didnt even pay 4 anything and my mom waz da 1 who did...and he said dat he would walk me in and change my shoes and everything else he is subpose 2 do but should i include him in da speech please help my quince is on SATURDAY dis SATURDAY so i need help fast
Posted by Sad Girl :-(; updated 07/05/05


Sweetie, you shouldn’t stress too much on this, but I personally would NOT include him in the speech only because like you said he didn’t do anything to help out with your Quinceanera. Since your mom probably busted her butt off to get everything perfect for your BIG day I would just dedicate most of the speech to her. Yes I know that you probably do not want to hurt your dad`s feelings by not putting him in your speech but it is kind of his fault, only because he hasn’t helped with anything for your Quinceanera, and since you have to second guess whether or not you even want him in your speech your probably better off leaving him out of it. But this is totally up to you and how you feel about the situation. (I seen your message and just wanted to give you my opinion.) Anyways I hope you have the time of your life at your Quinceanera. Good Luck and have fun!
Posted by Missy; updated 07/05/05


Hon, wat i would do is thank him for being their all thoes years, or something small. Like "i`d like to thatnk all thoes who helped me to get to this day even if it was some thing small" .Or you can just say whatever you feel comfortable saying. ____vicky.
Posted by vicky; updated 07/06/05


Well i know he didnt help but hes ur dad i mean its your choice if u wanna have him in it but i would even if he didnt help my dad doesnt really want to go through all da stress but hes gonna pay he just doesnt want to do all that shopping but hunny its your choice nobody can make it for u hope i helped im here 24/7 email me at
Posted by Cynthia; updated 07/06/05


Well, if i were you i would still include him in the speech because he is still your father even if he didnt want to help you out. I wouldn`t thank for helpin g you though because he didnt. Don`t try to make him sound like he did a lot to help you just thank him for doing what hes done these past 15 years of your life. Dont stress about it tho. Hope this helped.
Posted by laurita; updated 07/07/05


Look i really think you should include your dad in the speech because in the end he is your dad and he has been there for 15 years like a lot of people have said. Maybe hes just scard that your getting older and he dosent want to face it that your not a little guirl any more and that may be the reason for hes actions
Posted by chuchi; updated 07/12/05