Help I`m 14 Years Old And I`m Pregnant
Hey Sierra,
I don`t really know how old these people are that are berating you, but I think that they are just acting their age. How you got into the situation that you are in, at this point is not relevant. You are who you are, you are what you are and you are where you are. It is that simple. Don`t look to the past unless it helps you for the future. We all make dumb mistakes and do silly things and unfortunately, most of them are when we are very young like you are. My past is similar to yours only I did not get pregnant. However, I am nearly 40 now married for 19 years and have four children. One of them is your age. The only reason that I am writing to you is because love can change any situation. If it is not your love for yourself then its your love for your baby, if it is not your love for your baby, then its the love of your boyfriend and your love for him, if its not the love of your boyfriend then its the love of your family, if it is not the love of your family then it most certainly and definitely is any way = THE LOVE OF GOD FOR YOU who had loved you through it all! He died for you and your baby.....remember? People let us down, situations let us down, we even let ourselves down, but the Lord never will. My story is actually worse than yours, but when I allowd the Lord to step in and change my life - that is when things started going right for the first time. Let the Lord heal your heart and prepare you for the road ahead -whatever it holds for you. You will never be alone and it will never be too difficult. How could it be, the Lord is always with you. Get to know him and the rest will fall into place!
One last note: What you did in the past does not have to be what you do in the future. What you did in the past, IS NOT WHO YOU ARE - ITS WHO YOU WERE!
The scripture says do not look to the past - look ahead. I (the Lord) and doing a new thing. Look it is already happening.
Love you bunches,
Your sister in Christ,
Posted by Christina; updated 06/29/05