Hoe Keeps Stealing My Ideas
Well ok i have this annoying ass couzin everyone hates her. Her quinceanera is in november this year and mine is gonna be in march but anyways she`ll ask me something like what`s the song ur gonna dance for ur surprise dance so i tell her and she`s like omg are u serious! so am I I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL TO DO I HATE HER
Posted by Gisela; updated 06/26/05
Try confronting her. Tell her to stop taking your ideas and give her some good songs for her quinces! Instead of just blaming her, try helping her with her fifteens. She probably has absolutely no idea what she is doing so she is trying to get some ideas from you! Give her some ideas thats perfect for her (and completely different from yours!)
Posted by Erika; updated 06/27/05
D****, It sound like the same problem my sister is having with her friend, and what im still pissed about is that her birthday isn`t until january and she`s having her 15 on October the month of my sisters birthday and i fell like kicking her a** because she took my sisters color and the songs that my sister was planning on doing but it`s okay because that stupid b**** can use them because we got something way better planned now! and everyone hates her too because nobody wanted to be her damas or chambelanes so she had to look for the youngest girls and guyz to be in her quinceanera it`s really funny! But my advice to u is not to be as stupid as my sister by telling her everything that ur doing for ur 15! And good luck with ur planning!
Posted by Jacquelyn; updated 06/27/05
Jus dont tell her n e thing tell her 2 come up wit her own s**t or jus tell her a lie
Posted by lore; updated 06/28/05
Gurl just tell her back da f*** of its a suprise!
Posted by lucy; updated 06/30/05
H3Y WUZ UP? PU3S I GOT IT DA SAME my cousins b-day is on december but da church wont do masses on dec. So she has 2 do it on oct. This year... Mines on Nov. And she doesnt get da same ideas but she wants 2 get da same chambelanes i have 2 cousins and 1 is 14 and da other 12 and she was gonna make both her chambelanes and yesterday i found out dat i get 1 cousin da oldest hes about 14... I was like hek yes!!!! so i dont like her either cuz shes been a b*t*h 2 my mom and i !!!! f*c* her!!!
Posted by Brenda; updated 06/30/05
Hey girl the best the 2 do is dont tell her anything anymore and if she asked about something be like i dont know i havent decided well good luck girl lyl!!!
Posted by maria; updated 06/30/05
Why dont you just tell her a lie when she asks you so then you two dont end up having the same song
Posted by elisa; updated 07/02/05
NEVER tell your ideas to a friend or family member. Let them SEE your ideas when they arrive at the party. If you tell them and their party is before yours and they use the ideas, you will have nothing unique of your own. Stop telling her things or tell her one thing, allow her to have her party and then do what you had planned to do. If your theme is butterflies, tell her that it is flowers. If your colors are yellow, tell her that it is blue. Give her opposites of what you are truly using and then you will have nothing to worry about.
Posted by Mika; updated 07/04/05