Money Tree Instead Of Wedding Gifts For A Home

I`m not going to regisiter for my wedding gifts instead would like to ask for money in leu of wedding gifts. We are saving for a home and don`t need the typical wedding gifts.
Posted by laurie abshire; updated 06/24/05


Laurie, As long as you don`t register people usually give money. By word of mouth, from your bridal party, parents, siblings,ect. It will be known that you prefer money instead. You know grandma ask your mom what you want and then grandma tells Aunt Sally and so on and so on. The word will get out. But should you get a gift, except it graciously. Have someone near your gift table, money tree, mailbox, to assist people with their gifts or money. It is considered tacky to put the money thing in your invitation. Congrats on your up and coming wedding and enjoy your day. Hope that helps. Sandy
Posted by Sandy; updated 06/25/05