Anything Can Happen In A Year!!!!!!!
Hey my quince is going to be in may and my pareja is my boifriend!!we have been goin out for almost 10 months!but i mean anything can happen in a year(we could break up or something)should i still like have him in all the songs and choreography..i think i should but some of my friends say no....HELP
Posted by Colombiaz Shorty; updated 06/22/05
I dont ,only because you dont want it to happen at the last minute when you have the invations made instead mybe so it wont be a big deal to nobody like your boyfriends get jealous have your cousin in it and say that your aunt and mom organized it that way but he is invited and you know when you are sitting down waiting for for your mom to put the crown on you after he can walk up to you, kneel down and give you some roses that will be cute everyone will be like that was so cute but its your decision its your party but just be prepared . Daisy
Posted by daisy; updated 06/22/05
Hey ya wat up well like i knew someone that did her quincenera with her boyfriend and they threw pictures together he came out in the video ETC.. They broke up she rip pictures of him like i wont have him like has a partner ill dance atleast a song with him take a picture and thats it but thats you if you want to that you good luck
Posted by yadi; updated 06/22/05
Thanks you guyz,well i have been thinking.we are VERY VERY VERY close i mean our relationship is doin great!and i aske dhim about it and he said if we break up he would still be in it because he knows howimportant it is for me and i want him in it....i dunno write me back thanx
Posted by Colombiaz Shorty; updated 06/23/05